

  • 4.9.73 - 01/01/2014.
    • added detection rule for Otter browser;
    • added detection rule for Windows 8.1 operating system;
    • updated links in themes;


  • 4.9.72 - 01/06/2013.
    • added detection rule for new UA of Opera browser;
    • fixed include path generated by installer;


  • 4.9.71 - 01/07/2012.
    • added detection of Bada and Windows 7 operating systems;
    • added detection of Maxthon and RockMelt browsers;
    • recompressed all remaining PNG files to reduce package size;


  • 4.9.70 - 01/11/2011.
    • updated list of countries and all countries flags;
    • try to preserve referrer data also in JavaScript only mode;
    • recompressed all icons to reduce package size;
    • added detection of iPad, Windows Phone and WebOS;
    • added detection of S60 OSS Browser, Ninesky and NetFront Life mobile browsers;
  • 4.9.63 - 01/09/2011.
    • added detection of IceCat, Skyfire, UC Browser and mobile versions of Opera and Safari browsers;
    • added detection of Covario, DoCoMo and Exabot network robots;
    • some other minor improvements;
  • 4.9.62 - 01/08/2011.
    • added South Sudan to countries list;
    • fixed Chrome browser detection;
    • fixed alternative GeoIP lookup;
  • 4.9.61 - 01/07/2011.
    • improved Atom feeds;
    • added detection of WebPositive browser and Haiku operating system;
    • allow to control usage of gettext using ESTATS_GETTEXT configuration constant;
    • backups restoring related fixes;
    • some other minor improvements;
  • 4.9.60 - 01/05/2011.
    • safer and more efficient fallback translation format;
    • fixes and improvements in data collecting using JavaScript:
      • fixed not increased values in data tables;
      • never try to show error messages in antipixel;
      • do not ignore disabled value of collect frequency;
    • added detection of Python based network robots;
    • updated icons of many mobile devices;
    • introduced ESTATS_DEMO configuration constant;
    • some other changes and fixes;
  • 4.9.52 - 01/04/2011.
    • translation fixes and updates;
    • fixed confirmation boxes;
    • fixed warning in empty single group view;
    • some other changes and fixes;
  • 4.9.51 - 15/01/2011.
    • added detection of Majestic-12 network bot;
    • updated Polish translation;
    • some other fixes;
  • 4.9.50 - stable version - 01/01/2011.
    • based on 4.9.95;
    • added detection of Bolt and Dolphin mobile browsers;
    • some small fixes and other changes;


  • 4.9.95 - experimental version - 24/12/2010.
    • fixed restoring defaults;
    • installer should again work with PHP 5.2;
    • sites table is again updated for each view;
    • added a few API methods for retrieving data;
    • improved database driver API;
    • some other fixes;
  • 4.9.94 - experimental version - 01/10/2010.
    • added detection of Obigo mobile browser and Zenwalk Linux distribution;
    • renamed Detailed to Visits and integrated it tighter with Visit Details;
    • CollectData options replaced by new value for CollectFrequency and new option VisitDetails;
    • data displayed in groups (in General, Technical and Geolocation) can be shown in multiple pages;
    • debug output is now hidden by default;
    • added possibility to set cookie to ignore visits from used browser;
    • updated Polish translation;
    • fixes in INI files parser;
    • refreshed operating system and network robot icons;
    • revised network robots detection list, removed dead entries;
    • some other changes, optimizations and code cleanups;
  • 4.9.93 - experimental version - 15/09/2010.
    • respect tools visibility and position settings;
    • new cache system for Detailed;
    • readded Silver and DarkGreen themes;
    • refreshed browser icons;
    • readded PostgreSQL driver;
    • new version check will no more block script in case of connection problems;
    • better policy for old visits data (keep, compact or delete);
    • added option to specify interval of full cache clearing;
    • fixed flash plugin detection;
    • finished code documentation for class variables;
    • fixed backups creation;
    • default configuration moved to INI file;
    • some other fixes, optimizations, changes and code cleanups;
  • 4.9.92 - experimental version - 01/09/2010.
    • readded installer;
    • readded SQLite driver;
    • support for SQLite2 replaced by support for SQLite3 (requires manual database conversion);
    • other changes and code cleanups;
  • 4.9.91 - internal version - 15/08/2010.
    • required PHP version increased to 5.2;
    • new object oriented API (draft);
    • administrator board pages turned into plugins;
    • new database driver architecture using PDO;
    • many other changes, optimizations and code cleanups;


  • 4.9.90 - internal version - 08/08/2009.
    • new theme - Fresh;
    • new layout for General, Technical and Geolocation;
    • new view possibilities in Visit details and Detailed;
    • line chart with variability in time for single group view;
    • possibility to show percentage difference between current and previous amount for groups and Time;
    • added next and previous buttons to date selector;
    • possibility to compare selected period with previous in Time;
    • maps are colored using colors from theme;
    • major cities are now shown on maps;
    • added new maps for Geolocation;
    • variables replaced by constants in configuration file;
    • optional PHP extensions are now listed and checked if available in installer;
    • icons for continents;
    • added ability to detect robots using IP address;
    • ZIP compression option for backups download;
    • CSS sheets for printing;
    • verification of correctness of referrer page;
    • many other changes, improvements and code cleanups;
  • 4.9.22 - 01/08/2009.
    • added detection of Android operating system;
    • added detection of Windows 7 operating system;
    • added detection of Arora browser;
    • added rule for correct detection of Opera 10+;


  • 4.9.21 - 28/09/2008.
    • fixed bug in grouping of results in browsers and operating systems versions popularity summary;
    • added detection of Chrome browser;
    • changed default behaviour of MySQL module, in case of detection of both PHP extensions handling that database type, now traditional extension is preferred (because of changes made in the latter);
    • some other fixes;
  • 4.9.20 - 08/08/2008.
    • added generator of activation code in ending step of installation;
    • added detection of two browsers and three network robots;
    • added new maps: Czech Republic, France, Canada, Italy;
    • fixed problems with incorrect setting of database table prefixes (related to PHP 4);
    • fixes related to mod_rewrite;
    • constant value for anti flood (2 seconds);
    • changed indentation from spaces to tabs in libraries;
    • some other changes and fixes;
  • 4.9.12 - 04/05/2008.
    • fixed loading of alternative translations when gettext is unavailable;
    • fixes in configuration saving;
    • some other small changes;
  • 4.9.11 - 23/03/2008.
    • fixes in bots detection;
    • some other small fixes;
  • 4.9.10 - 20/03/2008.
    • fixed data collecting for Detailed Statistics about robots;
    • fixed display of on line visits;
    • fixes in display of maximum of visits;
    • changes in MySQL database schema (backward compatible);
    • some other fixes;
  • 4.9.09 - 02/03/2008.
    • fixed MySQL module (for PHP without MySQLi);
    • some other small fixes;
  • 4.9.08 - stable version - 01/03/2008.
    • update of German translation (Fuma);
    • some other small changes and fixes;
  • 4.9.07 - RC version - 15/02/2008.
    • new database modules API methods;
    • text log saved in more user friendly format;
    • added simple feed in Atom format with summaries of collected data;
    • themes configuration removed from Advanced;
    • cache cleaning and handling of Detailed and Visits details once per 24 hours;
    • new constants format with ESTATS_ prefix;
    • new format of time stamp for SQLite module;
    • rewritten installer (based on new backups format);
    • some other changes and fixes;
  • 4.9.06 - beta version - 20/01/2008.
    • new module Firebird (experimental);
    • use of gettext for translations;
    • use of locale system;
    • additional constant ESTATS_MINISTATS for easier mini summary generation;
    • added detection of Midori, iPhone i iPods;
    • freeing of unused memory after SQL queries;
    • better backups in SQL format;
    • verification of installation;
    • remembering selected date date in cookies (not for Time);
    • setting current year for displayed data (other than Time) whenever already is April;
    • Detailed:
      • option for archiving visits, without saving Visit details;
      • possibility to turn off collecting data about Visit details;
    • Geolocation:
      • ability to use alternative database in SQLite format;
      • Python script for generating alternative database for geoip;
    • Time:
      • fixed date selection;
      • additional information in tool tips (dates, information about maximum and minimum, amount of visits of currently viewing guest);
      • added links in headings to view of single chart;
    • many other small fixes and changes;


  • 4.5.21 - 30/12/2007.
    • fixes in English translation;
    • respecting of setup of option of recording information about ignored visits;
    • fixed displaying of menu;
    • some other small changes and fixes;
  • 4.9.05 - alpha version - 24/12/2007.
    • reorganization of structure of catalogs, changes in function names, variables etc. (preliminary preparation for migration on PHP >= 5.2);
    • integration of MySQL and MySQLi modules;
    • handle of returning visitors;
    • Geolocation:
      • separated library (possibility to change the default - geoip extension);
      • generation of maps (countries: Poland, Germany, UK, USA; and continents) and lists of countries and cities;
      • displaying of tables for regions and cities of country;
    • Time:
      • integration with Archive;
      • new graphical charts (GD);
      • single chart view;
    • Detailed:
      • displaying of icon with information about geolocation (if available);
      • marking of returning visitors;
      • displaying information about other visits of visitor (in visit Details);
      • marking of different visits types for Simple theme;
      • storage of processed data in cache;
    • Technical:
      • added proxy table;
      • Addition of difference for lacking to unknown (data collected using JS);
    • Advanced:
      • ability to filter only changed fields;
      • searching in field descriptions;
      • checking if values are other than default when resetting;
    • installer:
      • new configuration options;
      • some options hidden by default for clarity, available as "Advanced";
    • themes:
      • do not show information about remaining data in block when all of available are displayed;
      • setting of Simple for browsers with limited capabilities;
      • CSS file with common definitions;
    • new, default, backups format:
      • ability to transfer data between different modules;
      • smaller resultant files;
      • kept possibility to generate backup in SQL format;
    • new 16 x 16 size for icons;
    • single table view - pie charts (GD);
    • configurations and data in INI file format (modules, plugins, languages);
    • additional information about server in board;
    • rel="nofollow" for links;
    • ability to change of location of data directory;
    • dynamical sub menus for new views in General, Technical, Geolocation and Time;
    • ability to reset many tables in one time;
    • htaccess(.txt) file - forbidding accessing INI, DAT, SQLITE, BAK, SQL files; handles rewrite;
    • ability to define anti pixel, title and website address for counting using JS;
    • remembering of additional user settings (cookies);
    • migration from % to # for language strings marking;
    • remembering of previous visits of visitors;
    • closing of unused database connection;
    • optional gzip compression;
    • change of name of PostgreSQL module to PostgreSQL;
  • 4.5.20 - 30/09/2007.
    • added new browsers and bots;
    • fixed saving visit time value at Configuration page;
    • fixed problems with hiding bots and displaying visit details in Detailed Stats (modules MySQL and MySQLi);
    • fixed bug in Time Stats (SQLite module);
    • fixed setting default values for themes (Advanced);
    • fixes in verification of visitor;
    • added cache refreshing after backup restoring;
    • some small changes and bug fixes;
  • 4.5.10 - 20/07/2007.
    • fixes in Simple theme;
    • added title for links with keywords in Detailed;
    • fixed bug in Time;
    • small bugs fixes;
  • 4.5.09 - 20/05/2007.
    • fixed keywords counting;
    • fixed bug with saving amount of displaying items in edit mode;
    • small fixes;
  • 4.5.08 - 06/05/2007.
    • update of German translation (Fuma);
    • fixed e_icon function;
    • fixed bug in Time stats;
    • fixed collecting data using JS;
    • fixed new visits numbering in Detailed;
    • fixed changing of administrator password;
    • fixed problem with cache in General and Technical;
    • small bugs fixes;
  • 4.5.07 - stable version - 01/05/2007.
    • fixed bug with Symbian and Sun detection;
    • refactored links to sub pages with data generator (limit of amount of displayed items);
    • fixed language auto detection (do not change language given in address at first visit);
    • fixed pages numbering in Visit details;
    • various small changes and bug fixes;
  • 4.5.06 - RC version - 01/04/2007.
    • new plugin - Menu editor;
    • new theme - Simple - for text browsers and that's without CSS;
    • fixed bug in Time stats in SQLite module;
    • possibility to turn off friendly URLs (they are disabled by default);
    • possibility to turn off icons per theme;
    • possibility to overwrite tables during installation;
    • changes in configuration variable names;
    • better e_error function - information about errors are more useful and readable;
    • amount of search results in Advanced displayed on the top of page;
    • themes system improvements;
    • various small changes and bug fixes;
  • 4.0.50 - 11/03/2007.
    • sold off problem with servers erroneously defining PATH_INFO;
    • anti pixels upgraded;
    • modified system of informing about new version (shows version also when information about current stable version could not be downloaded);
    • additional themes included in archive;
  • 4.5.05 - beta version - 04/03/2007.
    • PostgreSQL module;
    • remembering of administrator password after change, if it was saved in cookies;
    • fixes in displaying of last month chart;
    • secure cache from reading (changeable suffix in file names) and clearing of cache system;
    • cache independent from modules;
    • added detecting of some operating systems and browsers;
    • added new web searchers;
    • big changes in Detailed:
      • Details view moved into own page;
      • displayed data divided into pages;
      • setting up amount of data for one page;
      • setting up maximum amount of pages displayed for user;
      • setting up period that data have to be displayed (amount of days);
      • possibility to leave all Detailed data in database;
      • displaying in Visit details of searched strings (depends on theme);
      • marking for visitor viewing stats his own visits using other color;
    • possibility to deactivate administrator board;
    • fixed displaying of anti pixel (stats.php) on servers set up on Windows operating systems;
    • added buttons for stats (de)activating, maintenance mode (also new) and edit mode on main Admin page;
    • option to exclude of counting robots to visits and views;
    • implemented option of separated collecting data for every month for Technical etc.;
    • export logs option (including these meeting conditions);
    • added files with thanks for people who supports project (in docs/);
    • showing announcement when data comes from cache;
    • new strings moved into language files and update of English translation;
    • installer upgrade, support for upgrade from 4.0 version;
    • possibility to edit header in Advanced, additional variables available for use;
    • list of ignored divided into pages;
    • possibility to set week start day (for Days popularity);
    • upgrade of additional themes (DarkGreen and Sand);
    • serious changes in log codes;
    • weekends are marked using italic font in Time Stats and Archive;
    • displaying database module status;
    • displaying information about plugins;
    • optionally using mbstring extension, if available;
    • modifications in Flash plugin detection;
    • preloader for dynamic changing theme images;
    • shared JS functions moved to separated file;
    • some icons are dependent on theme;
    • country names and languages added to language file;
    • possibility to define additional theme elements using PHP file;
    • added switches to themes, for not logged in, admin etc.;
    • and other changes and fixes;
  • 4.5.04 - alpha version - 26/01/2007.
    • MySQLi module (MySQL Improved);
    • remembering theme selected by user;
    • introduced configuration files editor (used in browsers detection etc. - disabled by default);
    • detecting function separated to var/ directory;
    • saving information about view attempts from banned IP addresses;
    • database functions file partition to two parts, thanks that not every function is loaded into memory when collecting data;
    • new design of log view and options for filtering / searching;
    • additional configuration options available when viewing stats;
    • administrator can display selected amount of data in General and Technical stats;
    • truncating of selected tables;
    • display information when group is inactive or when data collecting is switched off (admin mode);
    • ability to switch off collecting data for selected groups;
    • simple plugins system for admin board;
    • fixes in Advanced configuration;
    • restoring default configuration;
    • changes and fixes in backups system;
    • new anti pixels in default set;
    • changes in displaying of announcement, new look, templates and new types (information and warning);
    • possibility to switch on and switch off "edit mode" by administrator;
    • reorganization of directories structure;
    • full implementation of new configuration storing system;
    • new themes system;
    • new menu system that's giving bigger possibilities and display control depending on user level;
    • and many other small changes and fixes;


  • 4.5.03 - preview version - 30/12/2006.
    • removed support for TXT module;
    • added detection of web searchers what are used by users;
    • redesign of navigation in admin board;
    • Advanced configuration (familiar to Operas);
    • Configuration became easier thanks to move needless options to advanced;
    • new options in admin board;
    • removed support for language files edit (maybe it will be restored in new way or as separated script);
    • new default anti pixel;
    • new favicon, author: Walerian "Cobra" Walawski;
    • installer redesign;
    • icons and names for languages and countries for detected languages;
    • improvement charts, possibility to separated display of unique visits and views, new lines shows maximum, average and minimum of visits and others;
    • proxy detection;
    • added detection of new browsers, operating systems and robots;
    • detection of mobile devices, mainly mobile phones;
    • new table for operating systems versions;
    • new (pseudo ;-)) object structure of databases modules;
    • easier changing of passing parameters in address;
    • more configuration options;
    • and many other changes ;-);
  • 4.0.49 - 20/09/2006.
    • fixes in English language file;
    • fixes in modules MySQL and SQLite;
  • 4.0.48 - 24/08/2006.
    • added German translation (thanks to Fuma);
    • fix in ordering languages names on the list ;
  • 4.0.47 - 12/08/2006.
    • fixed bugs in modules MySQL and SQLite;
    • fixes in check for new version availability;
    • fixes in displaying Sites popularity;
    • some other changes;
  • 4.0.46 - 08/08/2006.
    • next fixes in configuration saving;
    • fixed bugs in modules MySQL and SQLite;
    • some other changes;
  • 4.0.45 - 03/08/2006.
    • fixed bugs in modules MySQL and SQLite;
  • 4.0.44 - stable version - 01/08/2006.
    • redesigned installer;
    • fixed configuration saving;
    • changes in MySQL and SQLite databases structure;
    • more clear JavaScript data collecting options;
    • many small fixes and changes;
  • 4.0.40 - beta version - 20/07/2006.
    • added support for databases (MySQL and SQLite);
    • redesigned support for text files (limited);
    • added detection of browser version, flash plugin etc.;
    • improved install script, that also helps in upgrade from previous version;
    • redesigned administration board and added many new options that makes managing easier;
    • redesigned directories structure;
    • redesigned Time stats and Archive, added Technical data page;
    • added option that allows to show statistics for given month and / or year;
    • very many other changes;
  • 4.0.30 - alpha version - 05/07/2006
    Released 4.0 Alpha (not available for download).
  • 4.0.21 - preview version - 16/06/2006
    Released 4.0 Preview, which allows to become familiar with new features of 4.0.x aeries.
  • 3.2.05 - 15/04/2006.
    • fixed display of administration board under IE (theme Default);
    • fixed bug which allows viewing statistics (administration board was safe) after gave any password (affects only series 3.2.x and 3.1.x);
  • 4.0 - start of work - 25/03/2006
    Start of work on new version of the script.
  • 3.2.04 - 20/03/2006.
    • some small fixes;
  • 3.2.03 - 18/03/2006.
    • completed lack in English translation;
    • fixed display of direct entries in case when are no referrers;
  • 3.2.02 - 16/03/2006.
    • first "official" release of 3.2 series;
    • added tools which allows to reset statistics by administration board;
    • checks for new version availability during log in;
    • displays amount of direct entries in Referrers table;
    • fixes in display when no data in files;
    • many different small changes;
  • 3.1.10 - 14/03/2006.
    • first "official" release of 3.1 series;
    • protect passwords by md5 encoding;
    • allows guests to independent select theme form the list of available;
    • partially uses sessions in data collecting;
    • some new configuration options;
    • separated from index.php parts responsible for displaying particular web pages;
    • integrate administration board, now its available after type address:, new theme file added, admin.html;
    • changes in data collecting initiating code, now constants were using instead of variables, its possible automatic generate of web page ID, address and title (when no title given will be used address instead);
    • many different small changes;
  • 3.0.15 - 11/03/2006.
    • moved README files to docs/ directory;
    • fixed incorrect title of login button in theme files;
  • 3.0.14 - 18/02/2006.
    • first "official" release of 3.0 series;
    • themes support added;
    • languages versions support added;
    • used UTF-8 encoding for eliminate problems with national characters;
    • added collecting data about users screens resolutions;
    • new, better default theme;
    • possibility to protect statistics viewing by password;
    • new configuration options in administration board;
    • fixes in referrers counting (possibility to exclude do not wanted referrers), languages and hosts;
    • data converter moved to extras package;
    • many different small changes;
  • 3.0 - 01/02/2006
    First test release after one month of work.


  • 2.1.26 - 31/12/1005
    "Official" premiere of version 2.1.
  • Work on the script become more intensive - December
    Almost daily changes and fixes in the script.
  • 2.1 - 17/12/2005.
    • added Stats archive;
    • moved data files to its own directory;
    • code cleanups;
  • 2.0 - 12/12/2005.
    • added option to exclude counting of selected IP addresses;
    • configuration data moved to its own file;
    • improved possibility to configure script using administration board with password protection;
    • added option "See details" in view of Detailed stats;
    • build in administration board tool for convert data from previous version of the script;
    • added collecting information about users hosts;
  • 1.0.5 - November.
    • first "official" release;
    • changed design;
    • separate displaying statistics from collecting data;
    • many different changes;
  • 1.0 - 27/06/2005
    First "working" version.
  • Start of work - End of May.

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.

Albert Einstein